Ethics Question of the Month Header

Showing 31-40 of 56 articles

  1. Walk on By

    Does a law firm booth staffed by an attorney constitute solicitation?

    12 Answers 16% Correct

  2. A Law Firm by Any Other Name . . .

    Law firms and trade names

    4 Answers 50% Correct

  3. I've Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now

    Can law firms store firm files on the cloud?

    17 Answers 47% Correct

  4. Everybody’s Talkin’

    Can these attorneys make public statements about their case?

    13 Answers 23% Correct

  5. Let’s Make a Deal

    Can an attorney intentionally make false statements of fact in negotiations?

    15 Answers 26% Correct

  6. Yelp! I Need Somebody!

    How should this attorney navigate the ethical rules for social media reviews?

    12 Answers 8% Correct

  7. Hide? Or Seek?

    What authority must this attorney disclose to the court?

    11 Answers 0% Correct

  8. You’ve Got a Friend in Me

    Can this attorney donate to a judge if he has a case pending before her?

    14 Answers 21% Correct

  9. To File or Not to File? That is the Question

    What marketing materials must be submitted to the state bar for approval?

    17 Answers 29% Correct

  10. I’ve Got a Secret

    Must this attorney notify anyone of another attorney's suspected alcohol problem?

    3 Answers 33% Correct