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Opinion 118

Question Presented

Facts Χ While acting as counsel for an individual and corporations in which the individual is principal stockholder, an attorney has accumulated voluminous files consisting of papers belonging to the individual, papers belonging to the corporations, and letters, briefs and work sheets prepared by the attorney. The client has advised the attorney that new counsel is being retained and has requested that all files be surrendered.

  1. Must the attorney deliver his entire set of files, including file folders, or may he retain any portion of such files?
  2. If the attorney may retain any portions of such files, which portion may be so retained?
  3. Is the attorney privileged to delay delivering items to individual as and until' attorney has had opportunity to inventory contents of files and make listing thereof?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 242 (1966)

It is proper for an attorney to retain work sheets and other related papers which do not affect a client's rights or their exercise when requested to deliver the client's complete file to newly- retained counsel. He is privileged to make an inventory of the file before he delivers the items.

Canon 7.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 118 (1955)