Would it be a violation of the Canons of Ethics to list, without advertising, bold-faced type or other special typographical treatment, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of patent lawyers in the classified section of telephone directories under the heading "Patent Lawyers" or "Patent Attorneys"?
18 Baylor L. Rev. 245 (1966)
Listing of names in the classified section of a telephone directory is limited to a section under the general head of ''Attorneys'' or "lawyers."
Canon 24. A.B.A. Canon 27.
The committee is of the opinion that we should follow the rulings of the American Bar Association committee on this question and that, in Opinion 53, the American Bar Association committee ruled that it is a violation of Canon 27 for an attorney to have his name in more than one place of the classified section of a telephone directory. (8-0) (See Opinion 154)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 127 (1956)