Does an announcement card, mailed by an attorney to other attorneys, announcing the removal of his offices "to new and enlarged quarters," giving the new address and adding thereon the following:
"And His Membership In The U. S. Court of Appeals Bar, 8th Circuit (St. Louis)
American Judicature Society
Chamber of Commerce."
violate the Canons of Ethics?
18 Baylor L. Rev. 288 (1966)
An attorney may not send an announcement card to other attorneys announcing his removal to "new and enlarged quarters," his membership in the bar of specified courts, and membership in certain other civic and legal organizations.
Canons 24, 39, 42.
Under Texas Canons 24, 39 and 42 as now written, an announcement card may be mailed only to fellow lawyers, clients and such other individuals where this contact is "warranted by personal relations," and the card may contain only name, profession, address, telephone number and similar items which are strictly of an informational nature. The card must avoid all forms of self-laudation.
Opinions 5, 8, 11, 14, 60 and 122, among others, are pertinent, and see ABA Committee Opinions 11 and 251. Compare Drinker, Legal Ethics, pp. 239-240.
The references to "new and enlarged quarters" and membership in certain organizations are purely self-laudatory and not by way of supplying basic information needed by a client or others in locating the lawyer.
The card violates Canon 24 and does not fall within the exceptions permitted by Canon 39. One committee member expressed the view that the "new and enlarged quarters" language involves a certain amount of self-laudation, but seems so slight that it should not be noticed.
It is laudatory for the lawyer in question to be interested in better offices and in bar and civic activities such as he lists, but he is prohibited from so publicly pointing with pride to his accomplishments. (7-0.)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 199 (1960)