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Opinion 216

Question Presented

An elderly couple left reciprocal wills leaving their individual half of their total estate to the other for life, with the remainder of the husband's estate to go to his three nieces and the remainder of the wife's estate to her sister. Both wills appointed the same bank as executor. Husband and wife died within a six-weeks period, so that neither could enjoy the life estate. The total combined estate included undivided interests in both real and personal property. Would the bank executor have a conflict of interests in administering the two estates?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 301 (1966)

Whether there would be a conflict of interests of a bank appointed executor of both estates in reciprocal wills of a husband and wife, where the remainders after life estates to the surviving spouse were to go to different persons, presents a question outside the scope of the Canons and the jurisdiction of the committee.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 216 (1958)