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Opinion 229

Question Presented

Defense attorneys for insurance companies in personal injury suits against their assureds have a practice of sending to plaintiffs copies of letters to plaintiffs' attorney in which they request that plaintiffs submit to examination by a physician of defendant's choice. In each instance this has been done quite some time after suit has been filed. Does this constitute an unethical direct contacting of the opposing parties over their attorney's head and without his permission?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 310 (1966)

Defense attorneys may properly send to plaintiffs copies of letters to plaintiffs= attorney requesting that plaintiff be examined by a physician of defendant's choice, even though such request is made quite some time after suit has been filed. However, approval of this practice should not be construed generally as authorizing contact with the opposing party.

Canon 9.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 229 (1959)