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Opinion 241

Question Presented

Adjacent to and in the same county as a city in Texas is a relatively large community which is served by an independent telephone exchange. The manager of the independent exchange has contacted the members of the bar association of the aforementioned city for the purpose of selling to them listings in the yellow pages of his telephone directory. It is understood that all of the members of the city's bar association have clients in the community referred to and that probably attorneys in other nearby cities also have clients in this community.

Would it be ethical for attorneys in a city, which is served by one telephone company, to have listings in the telephone directory of another and independent exchange which serves a community within the county?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 320 (1966)


Attorneys residing in one city may not properly list themselves in the commercial or yellow pages of a telephone book of another town, even though the other town is in the same county, has no attorneys, and the inhabitants of said town, as a general rule, take their legal problems to the attorneys of the City in question.

Canons 24, 39.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 241 (1961)