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Opinion 247

Question Presented

Does the following letter, written on the letterhead of, and signed by, a practicing attorney, constitute a violation of the Canons of Ethics?

1000 E. 5th St.
Smalltown, Texas

You are cordially invited to attend an open meeting of the Blank County Anti-Communist Association at 7:30 o'clock P. M. September 31, 1961, at the Hotel Blank. The Blank County Anti-Communist Association earnestly solicits you and your friends' attendance.

The association is trying to enlighten and inform the citizens of this area on the evils of Communism, how it operates in trying to destroy our way of life in America, as well as destroy our nation. The Anti- Communist organization is non-profit, has no dues and it costs nothing to join and become a member. To become a member of the association, the only thing necessary is that you sign your name to the membership roll of the Blank County Anti-Communist Association.

The Blank County Anti-Communist Association has been most fortunate in securing John Doe as a guest speaker for Tuesday night, September 31, 1961.

I am sure you will wish to attend the meeting and hear John Doe, who is the moderator for "Party Line" on KXXX and is well known throughout the United States, speak out on Americanism and against Communism. You will have the opportunity to see and meet John Doe, a man who is doing a wonderful job in fighting Communism.

There will be a refreshment hour after Mr. Doe gives his talk and the discussion is completed. Plan now to attend the Anti-Communism meeting Tuesday night, September 31, 1961, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the Terrace of the Hotel Blank and bring a friend or friends.

Yours very truly,

/s/ Richard Roe, President
Blank County Anti-Communist Association.

18 Baylor L. Rev. 324 (1966)


The line between proper and improper use of letterheads, envelopes, etc. by a member in connection with correspondence relating to a non-profit or nonbusiness association is to be drawn at the point where the dominant purpose in the use of the stationery of such practicing lawyer appears to be advertisement or self-laudation which would, or is intended to, influence new, prospective or old clients.

Canon 24

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 247 (1962)