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Opinion 268

Question Presented

A lawyer is employed full time in the legal department of a corporation, but he is permitted to do private practice which is not incompatible with his duties. Is it ethical for the lawyer to use a calling card as follows:

TE 0-0000
John J. Doe
Attorney at Law
Suite 0000
000 County Building
Middletown, Texas
North Middletown Corporation

18 Baylor L. Rev. 342 (1966)


A member who, although employed full time in the legal department of a corporation, engages in private practice not incompatible with his duties, may not properly use the name of the corporation on his calling card which also designates said member as an "attorney at law."

Canons 24, 39.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 268 (1963)