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Opinion 277

Question Presented

  1. The S City Chamber of Commerce publishes an annual membership directory known as the S City Business Industrial Guide. It includes an alphabetical listing of all members and a classified directory of the members. Each member is listed in the alphabetical listing and is provided one listing in the classified section without charge. Additional classified listings are offered at $3 each. The lawyer members are sent a form to be filled out so as to indicate the classified section under which he wishes to be listed (the same form is used by all members of the Chamber of Commerce). One category is "AttorneysΧLegal Services." The Guide is distributed to members and sold to about 2,000 others. It is extolled as "A Valuable Guide to Business in S City."
  2. The publishers of a city directory for S City solicit listings from attorneys. Those who do not pay are just listed under the classification "Lawyers," but those who do pay extra receive a special listing in major type and under the special heading, "Attorneys and Counselors at Law."

Is it proper for a lawyer to be listed in the classified section of the Guide or of the City Directory?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 349 (1966)


A member should not permit his name to be listed under the classification "Attorneys Χ Legal Services" in a business and industrial guide published by a chamber of commerce and intended for business use by members of the chamber of commerce and by others who purchase the guide. A lawyer should not pay the publisher of a city directory for a special listing in distinctive type under the heading ''Attorneys and Counselors at Law."

Canons 24, 39.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 277 (1964)