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Opinion 288

Question Presented

H died in Arkansas, where his will was probated by the Arkansas firm of North & East. The Texas firm of West & South handled the Texas ancillary proceeding. H's children, Ha and Ho, were the executors in Texas as well as in Arkansas. All claims have been paid and the estate is ready to be closed. Ha and one devisee disagree with Ho and two devisees as to the method of settlement and distribution. West & South agree with the position taken by Ha; may they represent Ha and the one devisee against Ho and the other devisees in forcing settlement and distribution of the estate?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 356 (1966)


When the interests of two clients of a law firm become divergent in regard to the matter being handled by the firm, the law firm may not represent one client against the other.

Canon 6.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 288 (1964)