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Opinion 308

Question Presented

A and B are involved in a motor vehicle collision. A sues B, and B is defended by his liability insurance carrier. Prior to final judgment A offers to settle within the limits of the liability insurance policy. B, after consulting an attorney of his own choosing, calls upon his liability insurance carrier to settle the case. The insurance company refuses so settle. The case is tried to a jury, and a verdict in excess of the policy limits is rendered. B would now like to file a Stowers case against the liability insurance carrier as a result of their negligent refusal to settle the case and has indicated that he would like the attorney who represented A in the negligent collision case to represent him in the Stowers case against the insurance company. Is A's attorney prohibited and disqualified from handling B's Stowers case?

23 Baylor L. Rev. 827 (1972)

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 308 (1965)