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Opinion 338

Question Presented

  1. Is it ethical for an attorney who resides in A, B or C, but maintains an office only in Metropolis, to be listed in both the Greater Metropolis Yellow Pages and the yellow pages of A, B or C, listing the telephone number of his Metropolis law office?
  2. Is it ethical for an attorney who maintains an office in A, B or C to be listed in the yellow pages of both the Greater Metropolis Directory and in the yellow pages of his suburban directory, listing the telephone number of his suburban city office?
  3. Is it ethical for an attorney who maintains his office in suburb A to be listed in the yellow pages of suburb B or C, where he does not maintain an office?
  4. Is it ethical for an attorney who resides in any of the subject cities, but is not engaged in the active practice of law, to advertise in the yellow pages of any of the directories, listing his home telephone number?

The city of Metropolis is a large city surrounded by a number of suburban cities, A, B and C, etc. The telephone company servicing Metropolis publishes two directories for the entire metropolitan area, one containing the white pages entitled "Alphabetical Directory for Greater Metropolis" and one containing the yellow pages entitled "Greater Metropolis Yellow Pages." The company also publishes a combination directory for each of the suburban cities, containing both white and yellow pages. Some attorneys maintain their offices in the suburban cities where they reside. Many other attorneys reside in a suburban city but maintain their offices in Metropolis.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 338 (1968)