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Opinion 340

Question Presented

The Council of Senior Citizens, a nonprofit corporate organization, is governed by a Board of Trustees and publishes a monthly newspaper to inform its members of matters of special interest to them. One of the Trustees is an attorney and a Judge. He is running for reelection and has an opponent.

  1. Is it ethical for the Judge to advertise his candidacy in the Council's paper?
  2. Is it ethical for his opponent to so advertise?
  3. Is it ethical for the Judge to include in his advertisement in the Council paper the fact that he is a member of the Council's Board of Trustees?

23 Baylor L. Rev. 875 (1972)


An attorney seeking an elective public office may ethically advertise his political candidacy in publications of either general or limited distribution.

Canon 24.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 340 (1968)