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Opinion 348

Question Presented

An attorney is appointed by the Court to defend an indigent in a criminal case. After the appointment it is learned that the family of the defendant can raise a certain amount of money for the payment of attorney's fees. They desire the Court-appointed attorney to continue the defense of the case since the amount of money they can raise is not sufficient to hire another attorney. Therefore, the Court will not release the Court-appointed attorney from his appointment.

  1. Is it unethical for the attorney to allow the family of the defendant to pay a substantial fee for the defense of the case, although the same is not sufficient to compensate the attorney for his services?
  2. If the attorney accepts payment from the family, would it be unethical for the attorney to accept a fee from the county, which is a customary fee paid by the county to Court-appointed counsel in cases of this nature?

23 Baylor L. Rev. 891 (1972)

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 348 (1969)