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Opinion 375

Question Presented

It is proper for a firm to continue to use the name of a deceased partner in its firm name and/or to show the name on its letterhead with suitable indication that such partner is deceased, if the use of the name does not tend to work any deception or imposition. The use of the name of a deceased partner should be discontinued whenever its continued use might be deceptive or misleading.

Code of Professional Responsibility: DR 2-102 (A) (4), EC 2-11

C, a named partner in the law firm of A, B, C & D is deceased. The firm wishes to carry on under the firm name of A, B & D, but also wishes to include C's name in the list on their letterhead of all the members of the firm, with dates to the side of C's name to indicate the years he practiced with the firm.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 375 (1974)