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Opinion 389

Question Presented

Disciplinary Rule 4-101 Disciplinary Rule 7-102

  1. May A disclose to new counsel, prior to trial, any one or more of the following items: (a) first version of the facts as told to A by X? (b) the second version of the facts as told by X to A's investigators? (c) the third version of the facts as told during the conference of A, C, X and Y?
  2. If X testified in a manner inconsistent with previous versions, may new counsel require testimony of A and/or the investigator on the matters stated above?
  3. May A testify as to such inconsistency as may exist following the testimony of X, during the trial of C?

Attorney (A) represents client (C) in a variety of legal matters. C and his business associate (X) are investigated for tax fraud concerning a business operated by C and X. C and X jointly consult A for legal advice and X is advised by A to employ his own attorney. X is satisfied to have A jointly represent C and X. A thereafter jointly represents C and X. Investigators employed by A conclude that X's version is not believable and A advises that X employ his own attorney. X then employs attorney (Y). Thereafter, both attorneys and both parties meet together and X gives an altered version of the facts which tends to incriminate X and exonerate C. Thereafter, C and X are indicted and X successfully plea bargains in exchange for testimony against C. C employs new counsel to represent him in trial. X will not waive the attorney/client or work product privilege with respect to his representation by A.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 389 (1977)