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Opinion 412

Question Presented

In the circumstances described below, does the preparation and issuance by an attorney for an organization of public employees, of a legal opinion in connection with an employment dispute constitute a violation of the Texas Code of Professional Responsibility?

An attorney in the private practice of law represents an organization of employees who are peace officers employed by a political subdivision of the State of Texas. In connection with a dispute between the employee organization and the director of the law enforcement agency that employs the members of the organization, the attorney is retained by the organization to prepare a statement that is designated as a legal opinion and signed by the lawyer as "attorney at law." The opinion recommends a course of conduct contrary to certain orders issued by the director of the law enforcement agency to the peace officer members of the employee organization. The opinion is prepared by the attorney to be circulated to the employee members of the employee organization and is in fact circulated after the opinion has been approved by the employee organization. The person requesting the opinion of the Professional Ethics Committee has alleged that the legal opinion recommends a course of conduct by the employees that is contrary to the legal obligations of the employees.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 412 (1984)