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Opinion 423

Question Presented

The inquiry concerns CONFLICT OF INTEREST .

  1. Can the law firm continue its representation of Bank A while prosecuting the cause of action against Bank B without violating the Disciplinary Rules?; and
  2. Would the answer to question 1 be different if some of the corporate directors of Bank A sit on the Board of Directors of the Bank Holding Company?

As respects both inquiries, we are asked to assume that the exceptions provided for in DR 5-105(C) do not exist, and we make such assumption.

Law firm is representing Bank A on virtually all matters. The same law firm is representing a client who is suing Bank B. While the representation of Bank A is continuing, and while the suit against Bank B is continuing, a Bank Holding Company, which already owns Bank B, acquires the stock of Bank A.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 423 (1984)