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Opinion 43

Question Presented

Under a city ordinance where two vehicles have a collision, both drivers are prima facie guilty of negligence, and are arrested and charged with "Negligent Collision," in the event the parties have amicably settled their differences, would it be a violation of the Texas Canons of Ethics for the same attorney to represent both parties in the prosecution of the criminal charges which were filed?

18 Baylor L. Rev. 214 (1966)


An attorney may not represent both drivers who have had a collision, are prima facie guilty of negligence under a city ordinance, are arrested and charged with "Negligent Collision," and have amicably settled their differences, in the prosecution of the criminal charges which were filed.

Canon 6. A.B.A. Canon 6.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 43 (1951)