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Opinion 463

Question Presented

  1. Is information which is a matter of public record considered confidential when the information is given by the client to the attorney in connection with the representation?
  2. If the information is not confidential, may an attorney use such information acquired from a prospective client to the detriment of such prospective client and for the advantage of an existing client, which client would have not had actual knowledge of the public information had it not been for the disclosure of the public information to the attorney?

The trustee for shareholders of a corporation under a liquidating trust agreement was charged with the duty of receiving funds, paying the creditors of the corporation, and then distributing remaining funds to the beneficiary- shareholders. Subsequently, garnishment actions were filed by two creditors of the corporation and of certain shareholders who were beneficiaries of the trust and the creditors obtained orders directing the trustee not to distribute funds further. The trustee then asked Attorney A. to represent him with respect to these garnishment actions, giving Attorney A various documents needed in defending the actions. Attorney A began going over the materials with his law partner Attorney B and learned for the first time that Attorney B represented a creditor who had previously filed suit against some of the beneficiary-shareholders. These beneficiary-shareholders had not informed the trustee of this litigation. Attorney A immediately notified the trustee that he was disqualified to represent the trustee, but did not give details at that time as to the reason for the disqualification. All materials were returned by Attorney A to the trustee. Thereafter, Attorney B proceeded to file another garnishment action on behalf of Attorney B's client whose suit against the beneficiary- shareholders was pending. All materials and information given by the trustee to Attorney A were matters of public record.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 463 (1989)