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Opinion 469

Question Presented

Is the proposed agreement between the corporation and the law firm permissible under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct?

A corporation either owns or contemplates acquiring 80% or greater interests in various business enterprises (these enterprises are referred to as the "controlled businesses"). In an effort to ensure that the law firm that now represents the corporation is engaged to represent the corporation and the controlled businesses with respect to all future legal matters, the law firm and the corporation propose to enter into a written agreement under which the corporation will encourage the use of the law firm by the controlled businesses. Under the agreement, if the controlled businesses engage the law firm to perform legal services, the client corporation will receive either a discount in billing rates for future legal work or a rebate of fees previously paid by the corporation to the law firm.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 469 (1991)