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Opinion 474

Question Presented

Is the communication by Plaintiff's counsel with City Counsel members described above a violation of Rule 4.02 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct?

June 1991
Plaintiff has sued a municipality. The City Attorney of the Municipality represents the City and is engaged in settlement negotiations with Plaintiff through Plaintiff's counsel. Defendant, with the City Counsel's approval, has offered a certain sum in settlement. Plaintiff has taken the position that the amount offered is inadequate. Unbeknownst to the City Attorney's Office, Plaintiff's counsel telephones an individual Council member to express his disapproval of the City's settlement offer. When questioned about the propriety of such contact, Plaintiff's counsel refuses to acknowledge that the prohibition of such contact with the opposition's client is applicable when the client is a municipality.  

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 474 (1991)