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Opinion 479

Question Presented

A law firm has obtained a loan from a bank. The firm has secured the loan by providing a security interest in the firm's accounts receivable. The bank has subsequently requested that the law firm provide the names of the firm's clients as well as the amounts which those clients owe. Whether the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit the disclosure of: (I) the names of the firm's clients, and (ii) the amounts owed by each client.

A law firm has obtained a loan from a bank. The firm has secured the loan by providing a security interest in the firm's accounts receivable. The bank has subsequently requested that the law firm provide the names of the firm's clients as well as the amounts which those clients owe.

Yes, such disclosures are prohibited by Texas DR 1.05 "Confidentiality of Information."

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 479 (1991)