Is it a violation of the Canons of Ethics for an attorney to publish a card in a local newspaper giving his name, address, and telephone number, and reciting that he has been in that locality for 25 years?
18 Baylor L. Rev. 222 (1966)
An attorney may not publish a card in a local newspaper, giving his name, address, and telephone number, and reciting that he has been in that locality for 25 years.
Canons 24, 39.
It is the opinion of the committee that such a card is a violation of Canon 24, which prohibits solicitation, direct or indirect, and Canon 39, which limits the publishing of such cards to reputable law lists and law directors, and which restricts the contents of the card to the name, profession, address, telephone number and special branches of the profession practiced. (9-0)
Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 60 (1953)