Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Back to Outline

(Tex. Disciplinary R. Prof. Conduct, (1989) reprinted in Tex. Govt Code Ann., tit. 2, subtit. G, app. (Vernon Supp. 1995)(State Bar Rules art X [[section]]9))


(a) A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment in a matter when that employment was procured by conduct prohibited by Rules 7.01 through 7.03, 8.04(a)(2), or 8.04(a)(9), engaged in by that lawyer personally or by another person whom the lawyer ordered, encouraged, or knowingly permitted to engage in such conduct.

(b) A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment in a matter when the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that employment was procured by conduct prohibited by Rules 7.01 through 7.03, 8.04(a)(2), or 8.04(a)(9), engaged in by another person or entity that is a shareholder, partner, or member of, an associate in, or of counsel to that lawyer’s firm; or by any other person whom the foregoing persons or entities ordered, encouraged, or knowingly permitted to engage in such conduct.

(c) A lawyer who has not violated paragraph (a) or (b) in accepting employment in a matter shall not continue employment in that matter once the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the person procuring the lawyer’s employment in the matter engaged in, or ordered, encouraged, or knowingly permitted another to engage in, conduct prohibited by Rules 7.01 through 7.03, 8.04(a)(2), or 8.04(a)(9) in connection with the matter unless nothing of value is given thereafter in return for that employment.


1. This Rule deals with three different situations: personal disqualification, imputed disqualification, and referral-related payments.

Personal Disqualification

2. Paragraph (a) addresses situations where the lawyer in question has violated the specified advertising rules or other provisions dealing with serious crimes and barratry. The Rule makes clear that the offending lawyer cannot accept or continue to provide representation. This prohibition also applies if the lawyer ordered, encouraged, or knowingly permitted another to violate the Rules in question.

Imputed Disqualification

3. Second, paragraph (b) addresses whether other lawyers in a firm can provide representation if a person or entity in the firm has violated the specified advertising rules or other provisions dealing with serious crimes and barratry, or has ordered, encouraged, or knowingly permitted another to engage in such conduct. The Rule clearly indicates that the other lawyers cannot provide representation if they knew or reasonably should have known that the employment was procured by conduct prohibited by the stated Rules. This effectively means that, in such cases, the disqualification that arises from a violation of the advertising rules and other specified provisions is imputed to other members of the firm.

Restriction on Referral-Related Payments

4. Paragraph (c) deals with situations where a lawyer knows or reasonably should know that a case referred to the lawyer or the lawyer’s law firm was procured by violation of the advertising rules or other specified provisions. The Rule makes clear that, even if the lawyer’s conduct did not violate paragraph (a) or (b), the lawyer can continue to provide representation only if the lawyer does not pay anything of value, such as a referral fee, to the person making the referral.

Bluebook Citation

Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. § 7.06, (Texas Center for Legal Ethics, 2025) from https://tcle-staging.herokuapp.com/resources/rules/texas-disciplinary-rules-of-professional-conduct/prohibited-employment/ (last visited Mar 09, 2025)