Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure Back to Outline

(Tex. R. Disciplinary P., reprinted in Tex. Govt Code Ann,. tit. 2, subtit. G app. (Vernon Supp. 1995)

XIII CESSATION OF PRACTICE 13.02 Assumption of Jurisdiction

A client of the attorney, Chief Disciplinary Counsel, or any other interested person may petition a district court in the county of the attorney’s residence to assume jurisdiction over the attorney’s law practice. If the attorney has died, such petition may be filed in a statutory probate court. The petition must be verified and must state the facts necessary to show cause to believe that notice of cessation is required under this part. It must state the following:

A. That an attorney licensed to practice law in Texas has died, disappeared, resigned, become inactive, been disbarred or suspended, or become physically, mentally or emotionally disabled and cannot provide legal services necessary to protect the interests of clients.

B. That cause exists to believe that court supervision is necessary because the attorney has left client matters for which no other attorney licensed to practice law in Texas has, with the consent of the client, agreed to assume responsibility.

C. That there is cause to believe that the interests of one or more clients of the attorney or one or more interested persons or entities will be prejudiced if these proceedings are not maintained.


Bluebook Citation

Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure. § 13.02, (Texas Center for Legal Ethics, 2025) from https://tcle-staging.herokuapp.com/resources/rules/texas-rules-of-disciplinary-procedure/assumption-of-jurisdiction/ (last visited Mar 09, 2025)