Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure Back to Outline

(Tex. R. Disciplinary P., reprinted in Tex. Govt Code Ann,. tit. 2, subtit. G app. (Vernon Supp. 1995)

XIII CESSATION OF PRACTICE 13.04 Voluntary Appointment of Custodian Attorney for Cessation of Practice

In lieu of the procedures set forth in Rules 13.02 and 13.03, an attorney ceasing practice or planning for the cessation of practice (“appointing attorney” for purposes of this Rule) may voluntarily designate a Texas attorney licensed and in good standing to act as custodian (“custodian attorney” for purposes of this Rule) to assist in the final resolution and closure of the attorney’s practice. The terms of the appointing documents, which shall be signed and acknowledged by the appointing attorney and custodian attorney, may include any of the following duties assumed:

A. Examine the client matters, including files and records of the appointing attorney’s practice, and obtain information about any matters that may require attention.

B. Notify persons and entities that appear to be clients of the appointing attorney of the cessation of the law practice, and suggest that they obtain other legal counsel.

C. Apply for extension of time before any court or any administrative body pending the client’s employment of other legal counsel.

D. With the prior consent of the client, file such motions and pleadings on behalf of the client as are required to prevent prejudice to the client’s rights.

E. Give appropriate notice to persons or entities that may be affected other than the client. F. Arrange for surrender or delivery to the client of the client’s papers, files, or other property.

The custodian attorney shall observe the attorney-client relationship and privilege as if the custodian were the attorney of the client and may make only such disclosures as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this Rule. Except for intentional misconduct or gross negligence, no person acting as custodian attorney under this Rule shall incur any liability by reason of the actions taken pursuant to this Rule.

The privileges and limitations of liability contained herein shall not apply to any legal representation taken over by the custodian attorney.

Comment:  Performing the duties of a custodian under this Rule does not create a client-lawyer relationship. If a lawyer serving as custodian assumes representation of a client, the lawyer’s role as custodian terminates, and the lawyer’s actions are subject to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct regarding the client-lawyer relationship.

Bluebook Citation

Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure. § 13.04, (Texas Center for Legal Ethics, 2025) from https://tcle-staging.herokuapp.com/resources/rules/texas-rules-of-disciplinary-procedure/voluntary-appointment-of-custodian-attorney-for-cessation-of-practice/ (last visited Mar 09, 2025)